Inside blue people

IntelliPulse Story

Waste Management Facility Awareness and Impact

Situation: The municipality and company wished to examine the potential for effects of the company’s plans for long term management of radioactive waste at its facility on public attitudes and behaviours and various attributes of the local communities.
Method: Several telephone interviews were conducted over a few years; the most recent was among 500 residents with the sample segmented within municipal boundaries and the remainder of the county.
Outcome: The research assessed people’s attitudes towards and perceptions of their community, identified activities conducted near the facility, gauged awareness and perceptions of the facility and the long-term waste management options, and examined the potential for effects on people’s daily life and any likely changes in attitudes towards their community, or behavioural intentions that may be attributable to the long term options. The report was one element of the Environmental Assessment provided to the government to proceed to the next stage.